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5 Ways to Build a More Agile Business for Established SMEs

Written by gigCMO | 18-Sep-2024 11:15:05

Agility is one of the most powerful tools at the disposal of established small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Unlike large corporations, which often struggle with bureaucracy and slow decision-making processes, SMEs can adapt quickly to changes, seize opportunities as they arise, and outpace their larger competitors. For established SMEs, agility is not just an advantage—it’s a critical factor for survival and growth.

What are the Benefits of Agility for SMEs?

Agility allows SMEs to respond rapidly to market shifts, customer needs, and emerging trends. This flexibility is particularly important in a business landscape where change is the only constant. For SMEs, being agile means having the ability to pivot strategies, launch new products or services, or enter new markets faster than larger competitors, who may be bogged down by complex organisational structures.

Here are some of the key benefits of agility for established SMEs:

1. Ability to Capitalise on Growth Opportunities

Agility enables SMEs to react quickly to changes in the market, such as shifts in customer preferences, new regulatory requirements, or economic fluctuations. By staying close to the market and monitoring trends, SMEs can adjust their strategies and offerings before larger competitors have even started to react.

2. Faster Innovation

SMEs often have shorter development cycles and less red tape, allowing them to innovate more rapidly. Whether it’s developing new products or improving existing ones, SMEs can bring innovations to market faster than large corporations, giving them a competitive edge.

3. Responsiveness to Customer's Evolving Needs

Agility also translates into a more personalised approach to customer service. SMEs can adapt their offerings and interactions with customers based on direct feedback from customers, creating a more tailored and responsive experience that larger companies may struggle to replicate.

4. Lower Operational Costs

Being smaller and more flexible often means lower operational costs for SMEs. They can quickly scale operations up or down depending on market conditions, making them more resilient to economic downturns and better positioned to capitalise on opportunities.


5 Ways to Become a More Agile Business

To fully leverage agility, SMEs need to cultivate an organisational culture that embraces flexibility, innovation, and rapid decision-making. Here are some strategies to build and sustain an agile culture within your SME:

1. Empower Your Teams

Encourage a culture where employees at all levels are empowered to make decisions and contribute ideas. This not only speeds up decision-making but also fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among your staff. When employees feel empowered, they are more likely to take initiative and suggest improvements that can enhance agility.

2. Encourage Innovation

Create an environment where experimentation is encouraged, and failure is seen as a learning opportunity rather than a setback. By fostering a mindset of continuous improvement, your SME can stay ahead of the curve and quickly implement new ideas that respond to market demands.

3. Reduce Bureaucracy

Streamline your organisational structure to eliminate unnecessary layers of approval and red tape. This can involve flattening the hierarchy, decentralising decision-making, and implementing processes that enable swift action. A leaner organisation is more agile and better equipped to respond to changes in the market.

4. Invest in Technology:

Leverage technology to enhance agility. Tools such as project management software, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and data analytics platforms can help your SME make informed decisions quickly and execute strategies more efficiently. By using technology to automate routine tasks like marketing activities, you can free up time and resources to focus on innovation and growth.

5. Implement Scenario Planning

Scenario planning involves anticipating different market scenarios and developing contingency plans for each. By preparing for a range of potential outcomes, your SME can respond quickly and effectively to unexpected changes, turning challenges into opportunities.

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Examples of Agile SMEs in Action

Real-world examples of SMEs that have successfully leveraged their agility can provide valuable insights into how this approach works in practice. Here are a few examples:

Manufacturing SME Adapts to Supply Chain Disruption

A mid-sized manufacturing company that supplies components to various industries faced a significant supply chain disruption due to unforeseen global events. While larger competitors struggled to adapt, this SME quickly re-evaluated its supply chain, sourced alternative suppliers, and adjusted production schedules. By being agile and responsive, the company not only maintained its output but also gained new clients who were left stranded by less flexible suppliers.

Service-Based SME Quickly Shifts to Remote Operations

A B2B service provider specialising in IT support realised early on that its clients would need to adapt to remote working conditions. Anticipating this shift, the SME quickly restructured its services to focus on remote IT support, offering training and resources to help businesses transition smoothly. This proactive approach allowed the company to retain its clients and attract new ones, while many larger competitors were slower to react.

Construction SME Innovates with Sustainable Practices

A mid-sized construction company that primarily worked on commercial projects noticed an increasing supply and demand for sustainable building practices. Recognising the potential to differentiate itself from larger competitors, the SME swiftly developed and implemented new sustainability protocols, including sourcing eco-friendly materials and adopting energy-efficient building methods.

They also began offering consulting services to help other companies meet their sustainability goals. This agile move not only attracted environmentally conscious clients but also positioned the SME as a leader in sustainable construction, giving it a competitive edge in a growing market segment.


Agility is a critical advantage for established SMEs in today's competitive market. By embracing flexibility, empowering teams, and fostering a culture of innovation, SMEs can outpace larger competitors who are often hampered by bureaucracy and slow decision-making processes.

Leveraging agility allows SMEs to respond quickly to market changes, innovate faster, and provide personalised customer experiences that set them apart. To fully capitalise on this advantage, gigCMO's Fractional CMO Service stands as a crucial accelerator for SMEs to stay agile. This model provides businesses with the executive marketing leadership needed and operates on a playbook-driven approach. It will prepare your business not just to meet current goals but also to pursue new opportunities with agility and confidence.

Want to unlock your SME's full potential? Contact us today to discover how we can help you implement agile strategies that will keep your business ahead of the competition. Let's discuss how agility can propel your business toward greater success!