gigCMO Blogs: Strategic Insights for Business Growth

Are we in the Golden Age of the Gig Economy?

Written by gigCMO | 06-Jul-2017 16:29:00

The workplace as we know it has been evolving for a while now – well, forever. We live in a service and knowledge-based economy. Automation, machine learning and AI are re-defining the human role and people demand increased flexibility and look for purpose-driven freedom and fulfilment for careers that now span 4, 5, 6 decades.

Already making up one-third of the overall U.S. workforce, the gig economy isn’t just for the lone-wolf worker. Far from it. All kinds of businesses from the corner shop to the Fortune 500 are reinventing their business models and reconfiguring workforces to encompass the new shared economy ecosystem.  Rani Molla at recode explains, “9.2 million Americans are expected to work in the gig economy by 2021, up from 3.8 million last year.” The market is growing by leaps and bounds, and the number of on-demand workers will double in just the next 4 years.

Thanks to advanced technology and automation, employees are now more efficient and can also work from anywhere. Highly qualified professionals are trending towards the gig economy seeking F&F (Freedom and Fulfilment) and S&S (Social and Stimulation) as a far cry from the traditional 9–5 office routine.

All of these changes have had a major impact on sourcing talent and scaling up skills. Outside-in thinking provided by on demand talent means that companies now have access to the right industry specialists with the right skills at lower cost and less risk. These gig economy workers are well-educated, flexible, and valued. Which is where we come in. We’re a hand-crafted team of Chief Marketing Officers who bring you thought leadership and industry insight. We use our collective history in blue-chip organisations to help you map out the future and take the right steps in the right direction. If you are getting to grips with how to navigate your business through an uncertain future or plotting your strategy for growth we’re your go-to gig workers in this new gig world. Everything starts with a conversation. No obligation complimentary consultation.