Commercial Marketing Leadership
Unleash the power of strategic, external, and global insights.
Business Growth Playbook
A structured approach with best practices, processes and governance.
Knowledge Transfer (KT)

Practical, timely and active support to embed the marketing concept.

What is Your Possible AI Use Case, and How Well Can You Adopt AI?

What is Your Possible AI Use Case, and How Well Can You Adopt AI?

Entrepreneurs and business leaders are urged to acknowledge the indispensable role of generative AI. It can revolutionise your operations in various domains, and the barriers to implementation are manageable. Failing to take action can result in losing your competitive edge. Thus, it's essential to collaborate with your team to develop strategies for leveraging generative AI to transform your business and use existing software features.

Addressing your unique challenges at different growth stages

For Start-ups

Expand your market reach once you've secured funding and established a proven product-market fit

We are dedicated to helping you lay a solid foundation for your business. We believe in the power of building, assessing, and strengthening every aspect of your company to ensure long-term success. Our team is committed to truly understanding your customer base and delving deep into their needs, desires, and pain points.

By ensuring a deep understanding of your target market, we will develop a comprehensive and effective go-to-market strategy. Together, we'll create a roadmap that guides you towards achieving your business goals and ensures you are at the forefront of your industry.

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Navigating the Business Landscape Crafting a Solid Foundation for Success and Growth-1
For Scale-ups

Marketing leadership to build and strengthen your governance, systems and capabilities to compete at the next level

It's common for many fast-growing companies to feel overwhelmed and struggle to keep up during the scaling-up phase. We understand that building a successful business requires more than just ideas and ambition. That's why we provide the necessary support and expertise to create a streamlined system and process to fuel your growth.

For Scale-ups, our Business Growth Playbook plays a vital role. Governance, processes and systems enable you to meet the expectations of your investors no matter the challenge. With our marketing leadership, we drive your revenue growth profitability and sustainably.

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Strengthen your governance, systems and capabilities to compete at the next level Book Cover
For SMEs

Secure loyal customers and scale your business through customer acquisition, market expansion, and service innovation to increase sales

Based on your identified areas of growth and our expertise in marketing strategy, we meticulously assess and analyse your current marketing strategies. From there, we craft and execute highly targeted campaigns that amplify your brand presence and strengthen the core of your business.

Our approach goes beyond surface-level improvements, aiming to build a solid foundation to support your long-term success. With our strategic guidance and tailored campaigns, you can expect to see substantial growth and achieve your business objectives.

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Going Global thumbnail Book Cover
The Fourth Industrial Revolution_difference

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Talent, more than capital, will be the key factor of production and the time to pause, reflect, and engage in meaningful conversation will be dramatically constrained.

Mark Magnacca, the visionary behind gigCMO, opened up about his drive and ambition to establish a platform that empowers start-ups, scale-ups, and SMEs with the unparalleled expertise of top-notch marketing leaders as a service, all at a fraction of the conventional cost.

The Role of Marketing Leadership in Business Growth

Many years ago, a wise person said, “Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two - and only two - basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business." That individual was Peter Drucker, a name unknown to many today  but as influential as Steve Jobs was to the world.
Peter Drucker was highlighting the fundamental elements of a company’s ongoing success. He was not talking about a department.  He was talking about the philosophy that customers are the final judge of a company and only a deep understanding and application of the marketing concept and innovation can drive acquisition and retention.

The Role of Marketing Leadership in Business Growth
Finding ROI

How to Find Business Experts That Deliver the Return on the Marketing Investment to Grow Your Business

At gigCMO, we specialise in working with businesses to deliver a high return on marketing investment. Our Fractional CMO service delivers the expertise and strategic mindset to leverage marketing strategies for driving revenue growth and achieving the commercial objectives set by CEOs and Founders.

With our unique approach, we understand the importance of aligning marketing efforts with your business goals, ensuring that every marketing initiative implemented brings tangible results and contributes to the overall success of your organisation.

The Role of Marketing Leadership in Business Growth

Many years ago, a wise person said, “Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two - and only two - basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business." That individual was Peter Drucker, a name unknown to many today but as influential as Steve Jobs was to the world.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Talent, more than capital, will be the key factor of production and the time to pause, reflect, and engage in meaningful conversation will be dramatically constrained.

Mark Magnacca, the visionary behind gigCMO, opened up about his drive and ambition to establish a platform that empowers start-ups, scale-ups, and SMEs with the unparalleled expertise of top-notch marketing leaders as a service, all at a fraction of the conventional cost.

Find Business Experts Who Drive ROI to Fuel Your Business Growth

Forward-thinking businesses and visionary leaders, eager to expand their horizons, have a profound understanding of their industry and products. What they seek is not just another expert in their field but a strategic partner who can guide them on the path to business growth. These are the businesses we specialise in collaborating with. We bring an external perspective that will not only resonate with customers but also amplify your marketing return on investment.

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